Delivery Time of Orders​

Delivery time of Physical Products

Delivery time of physical SIM cards is 2 to 5 working days.

The SIMs are sent as a traceable shipment.

Physical SIMs that are ordered with a data package or balance are sent with blocked status. The SIMs are activated after the customer confirms that he/she has received the SIM. During activation, the balance or data package is also put on the SIM.

Delivery time of e-SIMs

Delivery time of e-sims is one working day.

e-SIMs are sent as a QR-Code in an email to the customer’s email address. e-SIMs are sent with active status.

If the customer orders the e-sim with a data package or balance, the e-sim will be sent with the data package or balance added on it.

Delivery Time (Activation) of Data Packages

Delivery time of Worldmobile Pro data packages is one working day.

Data packages are activated on your Pro sim/e-sim by Worldmobile.

Travel sim/e-sim ustomers can order/activate data packages by logging into their accounts.

Delivery time (Recharge) of SIM/e-SIM balance

Delivery time of purchased balance is one working day.

Balance is put on your Worldmobile Pro sim/e-sim by Worldmobile.

Travel sim, Travel eSIM and M2M SIM owners can login to their account and recharge their sim/eSIM online.